Biologists have noted reproductive abnormalities in fish that are immediately downstream of paper mills. One possible...

AndrewArabie on March 25, 2023

Correct anticipation. Don’t understand how AC implicates it

My anticipation was “how do we know these fish aren’t spawning when their hormones are unbalanced?” In other words “How do we know this few hour recovery is enough?” The correct AC touches on that anticipation but I had no idea how until I read the explanation. This is a common problem for me I don’t know how to fix: when my anticipation is implicated in the correct AC but I just don’t understand how. Are there any tips for this or this is just a native intelligence issue?

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Emil-Kunkin on March 27, 2023

How strongly are you looking for your anticipation? If you're looking for an AC that directly matches what you anticipated, you're likely going to be disappointed more often than not. I like to think of anticipations as a directional approach rather than a specific line of attack.