Which one of the following is an acceptable order of films for the retrospective, listed by their language, from day ...

AndrewArabie on April 21, 2023

Rules two and 3

why can't Italian or Greek go on day sixth since there are no days after it? The rule "unless x is shown on the following day." Well what if there's no following day? Why can't Italian or Greek be shown on the sixth day?

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Emil-Kunkin on April 22, 2023

Hi, we need to look at the way the rule is written here. We are told we can't have I unless there is N the next day. This means that the only way we are allowed I is if it's followed by N. If nothing follows the I, then it is not followed by N, so we can't have I last.

One way I like to translate unless statements is to replace the word unless with "if not." By reading the rule as "No I if not N the next day" I think it becomes clearer that it means If not IN then no I.

AndrewArabie on April 22, 2023

Thank you Emil