Which one of the following could be the order, from first to last, in which the five planes depart?

angelhidri on May 20 at 10:33PM

Game Setup?

There is no option watch the game setup of the questions, which would be helpful in understanding how to approach the questions.

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Emil-Kunkin on May 29 at 11:12PM

Apologies, I think we are still in the process of making videos for some of the older games. In the meantime, I can try to take a look at the setup. I would start by treating this as a multi linear game, knowing that the top rung will be the airline and the bottom the plane

_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _

Since we know that P is international and Q and r are domestic, we know that p comes before Q and R. We also know that since Q is the only fly high domestic, it must come after all of the other flights, and thus be last.

_ _ _ _ F
_ _ _ _ Q

While we don't know if the other two flights are international or domestic, we still know that P is before R in our four remaining spots.