A recent study suggests that consuming three glasses of wine daily substantially decreases the risk of stroke. Critic...

AndrewArabie on June 1 at 05:30PM

Answer choice D

The study at the beginning of the passage concludes about reduction in the likelihood of stroke. The critics object to this study but citing overall health and heart attacks. In so doing one of the errors in the critics reasoning is that they are criticizing a study based on conclusions the study did not draw. Why is D wrong?

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Emil-Kunkin on June 4 at 09:09PM

Hi, I see where you're coming from, but I think that in this case the critics object not to the finding of the study, but on the grounds that the finding of the study is overweighted buy other other considerations. That is, that they recognize the conclusion of the initial study, but argue that that conclusion, while valid, doesn't mean that you should drink more, because the negative effects of doing so are actually greater than the positive effect of reduced stroke risk.