Which one of the following most accurately states the main point of the passage?

Caden on June 2 at 07:36PM

Why Not E?

I understand why A is the correct answer because it talks specifically about C-4 and relates that to the broader discussion, but I am just curious why E is wrong. My intuition was saying to pick A because E did not specifically focus on C-4. Thanks for the clarity!

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Emil-Kunkin on June 4 at 08:30PM

Hi, I think your inclination is mostly right here, that I would also expect the right answer to discuss C4. I also think there is another issue with E, E is only saying that some plants have evolved this mechanism. A, however, it saying that this mechanism is the reason for these plants are productive. That is, e is describing a correlation, while a describes a causal relationship, which is a much better match for the passage.

Caden on June 6 at 02:32PM

That makes sense. Thank you!