June 2007 LSAT
Section 4
Question 10
Each of the two passages mentions the relation of music to
Emil-Kunkin on June 6, 2023
Hi, I think neurological refers to the inner working of the brain, such as bran scans and looking at how various parts of the brain respond to various stimuli. The study mentioned in B would probably be psychology, sociological, social psych, or developmental psychology rather than neurology since it doesn't actually touch on the inner workings of the brain.by your definition any study that touches on human behavior would be neurological since all human activity ultimately relates to brain activity.pamela24 on June 8, 2023
Okay, I understand what they mean now thank you!AEB on December 5, 2023
Hi Emil! In reading your response, it sounds like you are knowledgeable about the topic as you were able to differentiate the with clarity…you said, "I think neurological refers to the inner working of the brain, such as bran scans and looking at how various parts of the brain respond to various stimuli.” Did you decipher this knowledge from the passages or did you possess this knowledge prior to? Either way, your RC skills are incredible and I can’t wait to get to that point!Emil-Kunkin on December 14 at 02:49AM
Haha I wouldn't say incredible, and I'm far from knowledgeable, I would say the first point is just to be a voracious reader- that generally helps you pick up nuances between thinks like psychological and neurological issues. I honestly don't know where i would say this is from but my gut instinct is to define neurological as "dealing with issues about the physical and chemical elements of the brain."After I wrote that I checked our friend Wikipedia, which said "a neurological disorder is any disorder of the nervous system. Structural, biochemical or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord or other nerves can result in a range of symptoms."
So, I want exactly correct, or even more that directionally close, but I think this is the level of working familiarity you would need with terms. Not expertise, but sorta kinda squishy familiarity. I'm not able to define neurological well, but in practice I would describe Parkinson's or Alzheimer's as neurological and depression or anxiety as psychological.
So I realize this is a long answer but I would say I was relying more or less on prior knowledge. That said, I think this was confirmed by the second paragraph of passage one, which makes neurological sound like something regarding structures.
Erica on May 12 at 12:37AM
There's an error in this question explanation. I'm not able to add a screenshot, but (b) human emotion is the correct answer and the explanation starts off with "Incorrect."