Which one of the following most undermines the explanation provided in passage A for the relaxing effect that some mu...

jordierose02 on June 8 at 07:58PM

C vs D

When taking the test I initially thought C was correct, but then started to overanalyze and switched my choice to D. I realized why C was a potential option as it explained a case that doesn't align with the conclusion made. However, I then started to look further into D and got confused, could you explain why D is incorrect?

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Emil-Kunkin on June 9 at 02:07AM

Hi, the author is arguing that coherence and predictability make people comfortable, and incoherence and erratic sounds make people uncomfortable. D might actually support this view. It tells us that if we take something predicable and then add in unpredictable, that makes the melody incoherent. This shows that an unexpected sound interferes with coherence, with the author would agree with.