Philosopher: Graham argues that since a person is truly happy only when doing something, the best life is a life tha...

Nativeguy on June 20 at 02:34PM

having trouble reconciling answer explanation with correct answer

Answer explanation states "Here the philosopher is not saying that Graham is wrong" but the answer literally states "It is an example intended to show that a premise of Graham's argument is FALSE ". How do we reconcile this. Please help

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Emil-Kunkin on June 20 at 11:52PM

Good question, I think we should have been a bit clearer in the explanation. The philosopher isn't saying that Graham's conclusion is wrong, but rather that the reasoning that he took to get there is wrong. That is, we do not know if the author disagrees or agrees that the best life is an active one. However, we do know the author disputes one of the premises of the argument that proves the conclusion.