Interior decorator: All coffeehouses and restaurants are public places. Most well–designed public places feature artw...

AndrewArabie on June 28 at 05:35PM

Does this answer choice not commit a "neglecting the middle ground" flaw?

It looks like the correct answer choice is equating not being uncomfortable with being comfortable. Is that not happening?

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AndrewArabie on June 28 at 05:37PM

The contrapositive of the 3rd statement is not WDPP-->comfortable. It WDPP--> not uncomfortable

Emil-Kunkin on June 30 at 12:20AM

Hi, while I think the passage is implicitly defining all spaces as either comfortable or uncomfortable, I don't think that's an issue for the right answer choice. We know that all well designed spaces are spacious, and so that all well designed restaurants are spacious. I agree it feels a bit weird that the passage doesn't eliminate the possibility of a middle ground, but for a must be true this is much less of an issue.

AndrewArabie on June 30 at 03:43PM

Ok thank you Emil