A professor of business placed a case–study assignment for her class on her university's computer network. She later ...

Nativeguy on July 12 at 03:44PM

Why not D

Why not D

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Emil-Kunkin on July 26 at 12:42AM

D does look pretty convincing at first, but ultimately I think it hinges on what we mean by books delivered by computer. To me, and I think a t reasonable person, this term refers to ebooks, that is, text that is digitally native. It does not refer to scans of physical books, which are unwieldy and not something I've seen since high school.

With this in mind, I think we can see that this is more or less irrelevant to the argument. This is trying to prove that ebooks aren't gong to kill real books. That has nothing to do with lousy scans of physical books.