Which one of the following is a principle that can be most reasonably considered to underlie the reasoning in both of...

Nativeguy on July 14 at 02:38PM

What is this questions asking exactly

This questions is confusing, is this a glorified weaken questions that would apply to RC ? If so then how is B correct ? The questions is asking what undermines both passages ? are we referring to the author ? or what the author is discussing ? What exactly is this questions asking ?

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Nativeguy on July 14 at 02:40PM

Mean to type "Underlies" please excuse typos im typing extra fast,

Nativeguy on July 14 at 02:47PM

What in the passage indicates C ?

Emil-Kunkin on July 17 at 12:58AM

This is akin to a principle question in LR where we are asked to find something that embodies the same principle that lies behind an argument. That's exactly what we need to do here: find a general rule or approach that it seems each author takes.

In both cases we see how failure to recognize a minority group harms that group, such as the Roma people.

This is not a weaken question, we're mainly tasked with finding something that the authors both generally agree on. This if anything is a cross between an LR principle and a must be true.