Astronomer: Does a recent meteorite from Mars contain fossilized bacteria? Professor Tagar, a biologist, argues that ...

lritz on July 19 at 09:56PM

Question about "other two"

Hi! Sorry, I got tripped up here by "giving preference to the views of one rather than the other of two competing sets of authorities." I thought since the author wasn't giving preference to Tager but preferring the other two authorities, this answer choice described a reversal of the situation.

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Emil-Kunkin on July 20 at 05:15PM

Hi, I think the way B is worded is actually agnostic of what it is describing. It tells us that the author wrongly decides to accept one view instead of the other out of a set of two competing authorities. Here the two competing authorities are the two views mentioned in the passage, those of Tagar, and those of S and T. The two competing sets are referring to those views, and the author wrongly decides to assume that S and T are right, rather than considering the possibility that Tagar might be correct instead.