Based on the passage, it can be concluded that the author and Broyles-González hold essentially the same attitude toward

Kai1 on July 20, 2023

Question #1 Answer E

The instructor says that obviously E is invalid, but I do not understand why. I believe that I've translated the statement correctly: I and WMBC - some - not P if we flip this around like "some" statements allow us to do, would it not be valid? not P - some - I and WMBC Some non-Persian cats are both irritating and some of the world's most beautiful cats. If some WMBC are Persian, then some aren't. I could be mistaken, but according to the premises, not all irritating cats are Persian, but all Persian cats are irritating; not all of the worlds most beautiful cats are Persian, but some are. Therefore, I am understanding that a cat can be irritating and one of the world's most beautiful AND irritating, and doesn't have to be Persian. Please help!

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Kai1 on July 20, 2023

**"Some non-Persian cats are both irritating and some of the world's most beautiful cats"

should be

"Some non-Persian cats are both irritating and the world's most beautiful cats."

Emil-Kunkin on July 26, 2023

Hi, we have no idea if some or all of the wmbc are irritating and not Persian. We know that Persians are all irritating, and it's certainly possible that only Persians are irritating. Sure, a cat can indeed be irritating, beautiful, and not Persian. But that's not what our job is. Our job is to determine if that MUST be true, which it doesn't have to.