It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to believe which one of the following?

@MichaelaJ on August 28 at 11:53PM

Why would B be incorrect?

I chose answer A but was hesitant to do so given that it states that "Each of Dove's works can be classified as either poetry or fiction". In the conclusion of the last sentence in the last paragraph, it states that she bridges the gap and writes in both but also combines them. To me, it sounds like all of her works are either poetry or fiction but not both.

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Emil-Kunkin on August 30 at 12:55AM

I would honestly find more support for A in the structure of the last paragraph than in any specific line. The author clearly delineates her poetry, and tells us it has elements of narrative, and then does the same of her narrative fiction, which we learn have elements of poetry. I think this implies that there is a real distinction between the two types of works she writes.

As to b, it seems like the final paragraph tells us that the aesthetic value of lyric narrative comes from both its ability to invoke emotions and its ability to tell a story.