Which one of the following best expresses the main point made by the author in the passage?

AshleyR on August 29 at 12:19AM

Why is D correct?

I had the answer choices down to C and D. I went with C but it was wrong. I am trying to figure out how I can better spot the correct answer for next time and why D was correct.

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Emil-Kunkin on August 30 at 01:04AM

I think there are two approaches here. In some cases, when the author has a clear point of view that she is advancing, we can hint for that in the answer choices. In most cases, however, I use process of elimination on main point questions, knocking out answer choices that clearly are not what the passage said, or narrowly recount an ancillary part of the argument.

Here, I don't think the passage exactly said C. I think the author does argue that what it means to be a physician is misunderstood, but I don't see where she thinks it's the sole cause of the efforts mentioned in the first paragraph.

That said, I think the author does have a conclusion that she is arguing for: that doctors are given the respect of a professional because they, through their profession, serve a higher purpose. We see this around lines 50-60. She is structuring her argument to show this, that there really is a reason that medicine is and should be held up in the way that it is.