Which one of the following is true about the argumentative structures of the two passages?

christine.macke on September 11 at 05:00PM

Explain answer choices

Hi- I got the correct answer by guessing, I see why it's correct, but could you please explain why the other answer choices are wrong?

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Emil-Kunkin on September 11 at 08:44PM

Hi, in general that are wrong just because they don't describe what the passages did. Let's look at each.

B is wrong because the first passage doesn't begin with a discussion of a competing view, in fact I don't think there is a competing view in A.

C is wrong because the first passage doesn't include counterexamples

D is wrong because only the second passage could credibly be described as opening up with a possible issue or wants to resolve

E is wrong because only the second passage opens with a thought experiment.