The radio station claims that its new format is popular with listeners because more than three-quarters of the listen...

@MichaelaJ on October 22 at 02:15AM

Answer Choice D

Hello- Two questions: 1. What is our "job" in this question? Is it a Must be True? 2. Why wouldn't answer choice D work?

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Emil-Kunkin on October 22 at 07:12PM

This is an argument structure/method of reasoning where we are asked to describe the logic in the passage. While the answer choice will be true of the passage, it's not a must be true. Mbts ask us what new fact we can infer from or prove based on the argument, here we are asked to describe the reasoning.

D is incorrect because the author reasons by analogy, arguing that one thing is incorrect because it would be incorrect in a similar situation. A counterexample is a fact that directly disproves a statement.

@MichaelaJ on November 2 at 01:34PM

Thank you!