One should not do anything that has the potential to produce serious harm to one's society. The public actions—or ina...

Angeliki on November 6, 2023

Cannot see answer explanation

I cannot see the question type, difficulty ranking nor the answer explanations on any questions for this entire test. I need to review what I did wrong, is there any reason this could be happening?

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JonathanGreen on November 9, 2023

^^ The same thing is happening to me.

Emil-Kunkin on November 9, 2023

What preprest is this from? I can't actually see this one question on my end- which makes me suspect there might actually be some system issue here

Emil-Kunkin on November 9, 2023

@jonathangreen @angeliki

mwhite on December 27, 2023

Same here - It's prep test 93