If O lives on the fourth floor and P lives on the second floor, which one of the following must be true?

KiaBrodersen on November 22, 2023

How can we solve this one without having to draw out all the scenarios?

My past diagrams didn't really help in answering this question because none of them had O being on the 4th floor. Is there a quicker way to get to the solution of this one rather than drawing out every single scenario?

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Emil-Kunkin on November 28, 2023

When a question introduces a new condition like this one does, we should always play that scenario out. We are pretty much guaranteed to be able to make some inferences from it. Let's take a look if p is in 2 and o is in 4.

5 _ _
4 O _
3 _ _
2 P /
1 _ _

We know that K must be in 3, so that leaves only two fully open rows. Since both L and MN require full rows, we know that they are in either one or five. So we have

5 L/MN
4 O _
3 K _
2 P /
1 L/MN

This leaves only two spots for J and Q, and since q cannot go with o, we must put q in three and j in four.

KiaBrodersen on December 6, 2023

Thank you Emil!