Amateur gardeners who plant based on the phases of the moon tend to get better results than those who do not. This se...

mbshapir on December 5, 2023

A being correct

Sorry I was just hoping for a clarification on this answer because I was under the impression that not planting in the first spring heat because of following the moon cycle does not necessarily mean you will plant before or after this first heat and that doesn't seem to match up with the answer explanation.

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Emil-Kunkin on December 14, 2023

The argument makes quite the leap in its conclusion, that following the moon (which has no effect on its own) leads to a decreased likelihood in losing plants to a frost. In order for this to make sense, it must mean that one plants their plants later by following the moon than by following the first heat, since frost becomes less and less likely as time goes by. That is, in order for the argument to make sense, it must be the case that those who follow the moon tend to plant later.