Which one of the following could be an accurate and complete list of the students who review only Sunset?

Shula on December 11, 2023

Both L and J can review ONLY Sunset!

I don't understand why the correct answer is A Lopez alone. In the explanation video, the tutor did three scenarios, and in scenario A, J only has S and nothing else. Therefore, I believe both J and L can review ONLY Sunset. The correct answer is confusing. Why isn't the correct answer C? Please help! Thank you so much!

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Emil-Kunkin on December 13, 2023

You're correct about this, j can indeed review only s. However, this is an unnecessarily tricky question, because that isn't exactly what it's asking. I've made this exact mistake before!

There are two kinds of question that use the complete and accurate list language. There are those that ask for "a complete and accurate list of..." and there are those that ask for a "complete and accurate list of ... any one of which could do blah blah blah." These actually mean two different things. The former is asking for a list of things that could do X AT THE SAME TIME, while the latter is asking for which things could do X AT ANY TIME, NOT NECESSARILY CONTEMPORANEOUSLY. This is incredibly frustrating and just one of those little things to be very very aware of. As you can see here, this regularly trips up experienced test takers and even people who think about the LSAT way too much, especially when they get sloppy as you see above.