If exactly one of the trains arrives after the Wooster but before the York, then which one of the following could be ...

@MichaelaJ on December 22, 2023

Potential Typo?

I am struggling with this question. If this is asking what Could be True I have 3 answer choices that would work. Is this potentially a Must Be True question? Thanks!

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Emil-Kunkin on December 24, 2023

There's only one possible answer here, and it is indeed a could be true. Let's see what we know must be the case in this question. Since it sets up a WSY block, there's only two places this could go, so let's consider them both

If w is fourth we have

_ _ _ W S Y _

We also know that the last slot would be R, since r must come after both T and V and since t and v must be next to each other, TV must be first and third, leaving q in second, so we have


The other option is if y is fourth

T/v W S Y _ _ _

We know that either t or v must be first, because the two of them and R cannot fit in the three slots at the end.

These are the only two options and this eliminates anything but B.