Damming the Merv River would provide irrigation for the dry land in its upstream areas; unfortunately, a dam would re...

Kai1 on December 23, 2023

B vs. C "...more than offset"

I eliminated down to B and C as both had a similarly predictive conclusion about failing to achieve the goal. I chose B because C discusses the traffic comparison in a way that doesn't match the stimulus. C's conclusion states a failure to reduce the overall commute time, but the piece of its premise "more than offset" contradicts the "net-zero" attitude described in the premise of stimulus. Am I overthinking this?

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Kai1 on December 23, 2023

Both answer choices contain "will not reduce" which is not parallel to "no overall gain", and "more than offset" (stated in 'C') *contradicts* the stimulus.

Emil-Kunkin on December 24, 2023

The passage does not describe a net zero situation, it describes a net negative. The passage actually shows that the negative effect will be stronger than the positive effect- making it a net negative. While the conclusion is actually weaker than it could have been (the passage proves it would actually be a net negative, but the author only concluded it would not be positive) this is not a problem. It matches the conclusion of C: which is that it would not be a net positive.