Trust, which cannot be sustained in the absence of mutual respect, is essential to any long–lasting relationship, per...

iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on January 15, 2024


I am having a hard time diagramming this. An example would be helpful

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Emil-Kunkin on January 16 at 01:35PM

I would probably link the first two ideas as

If LLR -> T -> MR

And since Affinity is essential to personal relationships we know that

If PR then A

And the conclusion is that if we have both PR and LLR we must have both A and MR.

Emil-Kunkin on January 16 at 01:37PM

This supports A- the conclusion shows that we need both A and MR for a long lasting personal relationship, which bars one with only one of the two elements.