By a "closed system" of poetry (second sentence of the third paragraph), the author most probably means poetry that

_Hannah26 on February 5 at 08:36PM

How can I find the correct anwser?

From my understanding closed systems refer to her to a system in which she is unable to be innovative with her poetry to express influence from her background. How can my preface apply to finding the answer?

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Emil-Kunkin on February 6 at 03:36AM

From the context, it seems the author is indeed using closed system to say that poetry of the time was not willing to adopt new innovations in the way that people actually spoke. Given the sentence following the line in question, it seems the author is more concerned with stylistic and linguistic conventions of poetry rather than subject matter. I would thus look for an answer choice that reflects the idea that closed system means poetry was not open to new ways of speaking.