If females are assigned to Veblen South and Veblen North, then which one of the following could be two other wings th...

Elizabeth25 on March 24 at 03:03AM

difficulty understanding the question

I was confused why the question asked where (2others) can go if it was only 1 female left after placing the 3rd and 4th females in v south and v north. I eventually got the answer but it really stumped me at first. so, I guess my question is, even if a question does this should I ignore that and just move on to eliminate definitely where it can't go.

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Emil-Kunkin on March 25 at 11:12PM

I think using process of elimination is a valid strategy, but I would also suggest using the test to take the test here. I agree this is a tricky way of asking the question, but your confusion might be assuaged by looking at A. Since A includes R north, which we already know has women, we can infer that what the question is really asking is where could the three women, excluding the two placed in this question stem, go. That is, the set of women we are concerned with is actually the three who are not mentioned in the question stem, even if they were mentioned in the rules.