December 2007 LSAT
Section 1
Question 7
Superconductors are substances that conduct electricity without resistance at low temperatures. Their use, however, ...
Emil-Kunkin on April 23 at 12:13AM
If I were going to diagram this, it would probably be something like this:Not economic unless above 148
If above 148 then alloy
If alloy, not above 148
So, the right thing simply doesn't exist, so not feasible. Does this make any sense? I like to try to rephrase into terms that make sense to be, but I also realize that one loses a lot of the nuance in doing so.
iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on April 24 at 03:41AM
Interesting... You said, "If I were to diagram this"... Would you approach this question without diagramming? If so, what would your approach be?Emil-Kunkin on April 28 at 03:27AM
I would really just imagine the scenario. We're told that there's this magic tech, but to be scaled we need to meet some threshold. There's only one thing that can meet that threshold, but unfortunately it seems like even that thing isn't capable.Just trying to imagine this, it seems like the magic tech just isn't scalable here. I guess what I'm doing here is more rephrasing in a way that makes sense, but in more real-world type setups, I'm a big fan of just trying to visualize before diagraming it. Formal logic is really just distilled common sense, so i like to apply the common sense filter before falling back on formal logic.
iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on April 29 at 05:03AM
Thank you for indulging in my theory question here! It is quite helpful as I'm just cutting time down now.