When Cortez arrived in Mexico in A.D. 1519, he observed the inhabitants playing a ceremonial game with a rubber ball....

NicoleBL on April 15 at 02:14PM

Answer Choice B

Hi, To clarify, is B wrong because the "making of rubber" is out of the scope of the stimulus because we only know the origin? I was stuck between choosing B and the correct answer. Thank you for your time!

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NicoleBL on April 15 at 02:15PM

Correction: " making of rubber balls "

Emil-Kunkin on April 19 at 09:38PM

B is wrong because the author just doesn't have to believe this. It's possible that making balls was not even close to one of the first things done with rubber, as long as they did so at some point before 1500ish.

NicoleBL on April 22 at 05:59PM

ahhh okay. Thank you !