Critic: Works of modern literature cannot be tragedies as those of ancient playwrights and storytellers were unless ...

iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on April 21 at 04:28AM

I got it right, but why?

I got this one correct through the process of elimination, but I am not 100% certain why it is correct. There is some conditional logic yet it is also Strengthen with Necessary...Any insight on talking me through this one would be helpful.

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Emil-Kunkin on April 23 at 12:41AM

For a strengthen with necessary, while the right answer is something that the author must believe, it also is often going to be something that fixes the flaw, or at least fixes one of the flaws. The author must believe that her argument is not flawed, so an assumption can often be both sufficient and necessary.

Here, there is a big flaw, the author says that characters must be seen as mobile in order to have tragedy. However, there cannot be modern tragedy works, since we no longer believe in fate.

The author wrongly equates not believe in fate with there not being nobility. However, I have no idea if these concepts are actually connected. This is a huge leap. Thus, the author must believe that nobility requires belief in fate.

iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on April 24 at 03:47AM

Thank you!