Typically, people who have diets high in saturated fat have an increased risk of heart disease. Those who replace sat...

iHAVE33FLAWSandAcommonLSATflawAINTone on May 23 at 01:34AM


Should I be diagramming? I tried to diagram, I had to switch some common variables around, and the diagramming just didn't make a lot of sense due to the fact of switching so many variables, with that said, I got it right because I understood the gap. For 1-10, should diagramming be part of my process for a question like this? I like it for comfort, but I knew what my anticipation was.

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Emil-Kunkin on May 24 at 09:35PM

I probably wouldn't bother for a question like this. I see diagraming as serving two functions. First, I think it can be helpful if the passage is just so long and convoluted that you need to keep a record of how the ideas fit together- because it's just too much to keep in your head.

Second, I think it can be helpful when the question hinges entirely on structure. That really only applies to parallel reasoning questions and so some extent parallel flaws.

Diagraming is totally a matter of if you feel it helps. You never NEED to diagram a question.