Political scientist: Democracy depends on free choices, and choices cannot be free unless they are made on the basis ...

Shula on June 9 at 04:51AM

E is still confusing to me

Could someone help explain more about why E is wrong? I understand why A is correct, and I kind of understand where E goes wrong. However, the language of E is convoluted, and I would really appreciate further explanation! Thank you so much!

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Emil-Kunkin on June 11 at 01:08PM

To clarify further on A: the author sets up this long causal chain where literacy is necessary for democracy, but then concludes that literacy is therefore sufficient- a perfect match for A.

Let's try to break down what E actually means. I would take it to mean that the author assumes that the circumstances when an outcome occurs were the same as those when the things that led to that outcome occur. Since I don't remember seeing anything like that in the argument, I think we can dismiss it.

Remember for flaw questions the right answer is something that the author did, that is wrong. If it doesn't seem like the author actually did it as in E, you can dismiss it.

Shula on June 13 at 08:56PM

Thank you so much, Emil-Kunkin! That helps a lot!