When deciding where to locate or relocate, businesses look for an educated work force, a high level of services, a lo...

Avalon_grover on June 19 at 06:37PM

Problem understanding

Hi, Can anyone help explain this question to me? I had trouble understanding what the world municipals means which threw me off. Is there a better way to break down questions with complex words and concepts.

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Emil-Kunkin on June 29 at 02:57PM

Municipal means relating to a local government or municipality. When you encounter a word you don't know, look to he context. Since the passage tells us that we are thinking about where businesses locate, we can infer that a municipality would be somewhere that a business would locate. We also can see that municipalities charge taxes, so we can pretty strongly infer that this means local government.

But resolves the discrepancy by showing that local taxes, which normally would discourage businesses, actually go to fund the things that businesses find attractive.