The public is well aware that high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of stroke caused by blood clots. But a rec...

Mikhail1710 on June 29 at 09:10PM

Hello, please explain why the answer is Option B?

Hello, please explain why the answer is Option B?

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Mikhail1710 on June 29 at 09:10PM

Option B: Western diets result in higher blood cholesterol levels than do non–Western diets.

Emil-Kunkin on July 2 at 11:59PM

The argument tells us that higher cholesterol likely provides protection from hemorrhages. From this, the author concludes that western diets offer more protection against hemorrhage.

Theres a critical missing element: we don't know that western diets actually have more cholesterol. The author has clearly assumed they do, the argument makes no sense if this is not the case. Thus, b is correct, the author must agree with b.