The three-spine stickleback is a small fish that lives both in oceans and in freshwater lakes. While ocean sticklebac...

mitchellgray on July 3 at 01:06AM

Conclusion Support

The conclusion in the passage specifically refers to how being a larger size protects the lake fish from "predators", but B doesn't mention anything that has to do with predators. Would this not mean that B fails to address an important part of the conclusion?

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Emil-Kunkin on July 8 at 04:56PM

B gives us a reason that the armor actually has nothing to do with predators. It gives us an alternative reason why the lake version lack armor: because it helps them to survive the winter.

This does undermine the argument that the difference is about how the armor helps them deal with predators. If the lake ones lost their armor since size helps them survive the winter, then the author's point that it must be about how it defends them from predators no longer really makes sense.