All intelligent people are nearsighted. I am very nearsighted. So I must be a genius.Which one of the following exhib...

Elizabeth25 on July 6 at 06:51PM

still dont understand how b is wrong

I tried to see the previous question on this is the discussion board and do not understand. I get how d is right but I don't not see a difference except in placement for b to be wrong.

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Emil-Kunkin on July 8 at 04:43PM

Let's break down both of them, and the initial argument.

The initial argument tells us that
X -> Y
Since very Y, then very X

B tells us
If X then Y
Since Y therefore X

D tells us
If X then Y
Since Extremely Y, then extremely X

Both commit the same illegal reversal, but only D commits the error of thinking that an extreme case of one must also be an extreme case of the other. This is a pretty uncommon thing, but the argument had two flaws, D matched both, but B only matched one