Dietician: "The French Paradox" refers to the unusual concurrence in the population of France of a low incidence o...

Raheel on July 9 at 06:06PM

How do you get to B?

A lot of the answer choices seemed right to me, and I picked E because B seemed out of scope?

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Emil-Kunkin on July 20 at 02:13PM

The author makes a subtle leap in their argument, and I actually missed it until I read B. The author makes an argument about heart disease. Everything is about the relationship between fat, wine, and heart disease. However they then shift in the conclusion to discussing general health. It's possible that a minor decrease in the risk of heart disease would be more than offset by a major increase in the risk of liver disease. This is what b gets at. I think that being more critical of the argument itself will help you to immediately see why b looks good.