The mathematics of the scientific theory known as "complexity" describes those phenomena that are not quite stable an...

Raheel on July 18 at 08:01PM

Why is A better than B?

Why is A better than B? I don't understand how B is not right. Shouldn't it be the conclusion -> premise because the conclusion sentence came first before the explanation following

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Emil-Kunkin on July 20 at 02:39PM

We are looking to justify the conclusion. To show that a conclusion is true from a premise, we need to show that the premise proves the conclusion. This is what A does. To show that the conclusion proves the premise doesn't really do anything. If the conclusion proves the premise is true, this doesn't help us since we already know the premise is true. We need to show that the conclusion is true. That is, we need to conclusion to be the necessary condition, not the sufficient.