It can be inferred that the statements made by Bull and Brandon and reported in lines 50-58 rely on which one of the ...

CheVaughn on August 30 at 07:57PM

Why E?

I got the question right, but it was through process of elimination, not because I completely understood what it was asking in relation to the text. Thanks!

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Emil-Kunkin on September 3 at 06:29PM

The question is just asking us what Bull and Brandon must agree with based on their statements and the end of the passage.

We know that they think we must minimize the impact weather conditions like shade and wind, which have an impact on growth of lichens. However in order to minimize their impact we must be able at some level to determine the extent to which those things matter. If we are unable to know if the wind impacts growth a lot, a little, or none, their assertion that we must control for it really doesn't make any sense anymore.