Columnist: Consent forms filled out by subjects prior to their participation in tests of experimental medicines desi...
@IsabelleSon October 3 at 08:28PM
I'm confused why (E) is incorrect
I thought the author bases their argument on a fact from consent forms (majority of people accept the risk that they could receive placebos or ineffective drugs) and infers from this their belief... ie implication flaw? Additionally wouldn't this be an issue of equivalence - I would think plenty of patients would accept the consent, but still resent the possibility of getting the placebo. Not neccessarily the same thing. It's like providing an email in exchange for a deal. You may consent to providing it, but resent the risks of giving it out. Appreciate any thoughts!
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I see what you're saying and mostly agree with it, but I don't see how this relates to E. E says that it conflates a moral issue with a factual Issue: this would look like saying that since most people do X, is is a good thing. In the argument we have two factual issues: we are inferring people's beliefs from their behavior. Neither is a moral issue.