June 1996 LSAT
Section 2
Question 20
Anyone who insists that music videos are an art form should also agree that television gave rise to an art form, sinc...

Naz on April 22, 2015
"Anyone who insists that music videos are an art form should also agree that television gave rise to an art form, since television gave rise to music videos."So we would rewrite this: if you insist that music videos are an art form, then you should also agree that television gave rise to an art form.
not ATGRAF ==> not IMVAF
(A) Anyone who claims that all vegetables are nutritious should also agree that some vegetables are harmful if eaten in large quantities.
So we would rewrite this: If claim that all vegetables are nutritious, then should also agree that some vegetables are harmful if eaten in large quantities.
(NOTE: don't get confused by the "if." That's merely modifying the necessary condition, as opposed to introducing the sufficient condition.)
not ASVHLQ ==> not CAVN
Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.
jbarton on November 15, 2017
It just says "null" can you please repost your reply
Mehran on November 16, 2017
Fixed! Please let us know if you need anything else.
jamesio on May 4, 2018
not understanding.. is A the correct answer? I chose B, and the book has B as the right answer.
Mehran on May 5, 2018
@jamesio no, (B) is the correct answer. The previous student was just interested in how (A) is diagrammed.Let us know if you have any other questions.