According to the passage, human figures in Bearden's paintings do all of the following EXCEPT:

Batman on August 20, 2015


I picked (D) as it is apparently not related with 'human figures' but his use of 'muted color.' However, I still doubt that 'human figures' really (A) "serve as a particular examples of human hardship," according to the passage. Does "familiar urban settings" on line 31 infer 'human hardship?' Thanks,

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Naz on September 9, 2015

Introducing his discussion on human figures, the author writes: "During the Great Depression of the 1930's, Bearden painted scenes of the HARDSHIPS of the period;" (lines 23-25). Further, in this portrayal of hardships the author states that Bearden's "depiction of the UNEMPLOYED in New York's Harlem was able to move beyond the usual 'protest painting' of the period to reveal instances of INDIVIDUAL HUMAN SUFFERING," (lines 26-29). Therefore, these human figures, i.e. unemployed people and individuals with human suffering, clearly serve as particular examples of human hardship.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Batman on September 10, 2015

Thanks a lot!!^^