Editor: Most of the books of fiction we have published were submitted by literary agents for writers they represented...

KhoalaBear on September 10, 2015

Please explain

Can you diagram this problem please :)

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Naz on September 12, 2015

Q1: Most of the books of fiction we have published were submitted by literary agents for writers they represented

Q1: FP-most-SLA

Q2: the rest (since the others were majority, the rest will be less than a majority, i.e. some) were received directly from fiction writers from whom we requested submissions.

Q2: FP-some-RS

Now, of the fiction books published, we have a special case where they were either submitted by literary agents, or they were requested submissions. There is no other way a book of fiction was published by this editor. Therefore, taking in the first two statements in context, this mean that if it was a book of fiction published by the editor, then it was submitted by a literary agent or they requested the submissions:

FP ==> SLA or RS
not SLA and not RS ==> not FP

P1: No nonfiction manuscript has been given serious attention, let alone been published, unless it was from a renowned figure or we had requested the manuscript after careful review of the writer's book proposal.

So: if a nonfiction manuscript was given serious attention or it was published, then it was from a renowned figure or we had requested the manuscript.

P1: NFSA or NFP ==> RF or RS
not RS and not RF ==> not NFSA and not NFP

We are asked which answer choice must be true.

Well, (E) tells us that we have "not SLA and not RS" meaning - according to the principle rule we came up with in context - that the published book was not a work of fiction. So, if a nonfiction work was published, we know - according to P1 - that it was either from a renowned figure or the editor had requested it. Well, we know that it was unrequested. So, it must be true that it was from by a renowned figure. Therefore, answer choice (E) is correct.

Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.