June 2011 LSAT
Section 2
Question 18
If there are exactly two white balls, then which one of the following boxes could contain a green ball?

Naz on September 24, 2015
You can now access the video explanation by tapping on the "play" button on the screen.Batman on September 27, 2015
Thanks a lot!!!^^lylekara on January 15, 2018
This video states it is unsupported, could you please try to reload?Thank you,
emilyk on April 30, 2018
I'm getting the same issuealva on September 8, 2019
I'm getting the same Issues
Skylar on September 8, 2019
@emilyk @alva Thanks fo letting us know and we are terribly sorry to hear that you are experiencing technical issues.Please direct any support related issues to our support staff by tapping "support" from the left menu or by calling 855.483.7862 ext. 2 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm PT.
Our support channels are a much faster way to resolve these type of issues.
Thank you.
endgamedreamer on October 22, 2019
Same issue of not being able to play video