The druid stones discovered in Ireland are very, very old. But this particular druid stone was discovered in Scotland...

dallman0303 on October 8, 2015

Please explain

The passage talks about old stones in Ireland and since a particular stone was discovered in Scotland, it must be newer. Answer choice E states that all members of a group have a certain property so the members of the group are the only things with that property. The passage talks about old and newer stones it doesn't attribute the same properties to both stones.

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Naz on October 22, 2015

So the passage concludes that the druid stone that was discovered in Scotland must be of a more recent vintage because we know that druid stones discovered in Ireland are very, very old.

Alright, so just because the druid stones discovered in Ireland are very very old, i.e. just because the members of one group have a certain property, that doesn't mean that they are the only stones that are very, very old, i.e. that doesn't mean they are the only group with that property.

The two groups are stones from Ireland and stones from Scotland and the property is being very, very old.

Thus, answer choice (E) is correct.

Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.