June 2002 LSAT
Section 3
Question 3
Naz on October 28, 2015
The setup for the game is now live. You can access it by tapping the play button and choosing "Game Setup."dallman0303 on November 1, 2015
Same with this one, there doesn't appear to be a video explanation uploaded?dallman0303 on November 30, 2015
There is no video!Ryan on October 28, 2020
The answer to this question is found in the last condition regarding the male ordering of the dorms. If MEN are assigned to V(South)-->Men W(North). Since the question poses that FEMALES are in W(North) (apply the contrapositive of the rule) it states: -MenVNorth--> -MenVSouth. The contrapositive is stating that is females are assigned to VNorth, they are also assigned to VSouth. Which is the answer.