Which one of the following could be the five cold medications that the study ranks, listed from first to fifth?

Lily on September 6, 2013

Cold medication rankings

So I got these right, but took a bit longer than expected ... Wondering if I could have used the contra positives to my advantage had I used them !??

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Mehran on September 7, 2013

The setup video for this game is now live inside of LSATMax.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Lily on September 8, 2013

Thank you! That answered my question and was really helpful! However, I am stuck because I thought rules 4 and 5 meant that if G was before H, for example, in my out column for space 6 and space 7 there would be G6 > H7 .... Can you please clarify ... Thank you!!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Mehran on September 9, 2013

That is incorrect. The rule states "if both are tested..." so if G & H are both tested (i.e. they are IN), then H > G. Contrapositive, if G > H, then one of G or H is not tested (obviously the only possibility would be not H because how could we have G > H if G is not tested?).

We are uploading the question explanations now as well and they will be live before the end of the day.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions.