June 2010 LSAT
Section 5
Question 22
The passage states which one of the following?
Mehran on August 31, 2017
Hi @paytonklatt, thanks for your post.What you want to internal is the logical opposite of "could be true," which is "cannot be true." Thus, on a "could be true" question, the four wrong answers "cannot be true"--that is, they are inconsistent with / contradicted by the text.
By contrast, the logical opposite of "must be true" is just "not necessarily true." This means that on a "must be true" question, the four wrong answer are "not necessarily true"--they may be consistent with or inconsistent with the text, but they are not directly supported by the text itself.
Does that help? Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Tony on October 13, 2018
Why are we not diagramming using the S&N or quantifeir rules. Are there questions to which these rules apply and dont?Bailey-Zupan on November 1, 2020
I have a similar question to Melissa, since this seems to be a fairly new technique of diagramming out our passage. There has been a ton of sufficient and necessary terminology as well as quantifiers and I would like some clarification as to why we are starting to use greater than or less than symbols like a sequencing game?ohanamgt on January 4, 2021
The issue I had with this question was knowing what only to diagram out of the passage. ?on October 6, 2021
I have a similar question to Melissa too. There has been a ton of sufficient and necessary terminology as well as quantifiers but we are diagramming differently here whyRavi on February 5, 2022
@Bailey-Zupan and @username, the greater than or less than symbols used in the diagrams, such as in a sequencing game, are ways of simply writing the order of variables. It's also perfectly fine to just write a line (something like "--") between variables, as long as you know how the left and right sides of the board relate to each other (higher vs. lower, first vs. last, etc.).