In response to several bacterial infections traced to its apple juice, McElligott now flash pasteurizes its apple jui...

JayDee8732 on August 19, 2017


I do not understand the answer?

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Mehran on September 6, 2017

Hi @JayDee8732, thanks for your post.

In this stimulus, we are presented with a series of factual statements, and then asked which statement is textually supported by the stimulus.

Answer choice (E) says "apple juice that undergoes intensive pasteurization is less likely than McElligott's apple juice is to contain bacteria."

This is textually supported. We are told (1) McElligott now flash pasteurizes its apple juice, and (2) that intensive pasteurization (which lasts longer) eliminates bacteria more effectively than does any other method. Well, this means that intensive pasteurization eliminates bacteria more effectively than flash pasteurization.

So apple juice that has undergone intensive pasteurization is less likely than McElligott's to contain bacteria. Yes, that is textually supported.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Shiyi-Zhang on May 20, 2019

Why is B incorrect?

DavidClimber on November 21, 2019

Hi! May I ask that in comparison to C, why E seems like the better choice (& correct answer)?

DavidClimber on November 21, 2019

Also, how do we distinguish the facts in this particular question?