The passage suggests that which one of the following is most likely to have been true of medieval guilds?

Batman on June 7, 2014


Please, explain which sentence we can use to infer the answer for this question. Does sentence 55~58 happen to be the one we need to infer true of medieval guild properly? Thanks,

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Naz on June 8, 2014

In this question, we are asked to see which answer choice is most likely to have been true of medieval guests. Lines 14-16 better exemplify where answer choice (B) comes from: "The Florentine guild of lawyers for example, forbade its members to play any role in disciplinary proceedings against other guild members." These lines illustrate that the organization exercised influence over their members, banning them from participating in actions against any other guild members. Thus, we can infer that "many medieval guilds exercised influence over the actions of their members."

Lines 55-58 touch more upon the solidarity amongst the members, as opposed to the guilds having influence over the actions of their members. The last paragraph more so illustrates that the criticism against the guilds merely strengthened their bond.

Hope that helped! Let us know if you have any other questions!

Batman on June 12, 2014

According to (b), it says "many guilds." But on the passage, it only refers one example, which is "Florentine guild of lawyer." I totally agree that (b) is the "closest" answer among the rest of choices. However, I also do not clearly understand that "many" can be tantamount to just only one example. I really appreciate if you give me further help.


Naz on June 25, 2014

If you look at the lines right before the example, you'll see it says, "Some even attempted to hobble efforts at enforcement." (13-14). The "Florentine guild" was mentioned as an example of one of the "some" that was mentioned above.

Hope that was helpful! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Batman on July 2, 2014

Wow!!! Thank you so much!!! You are superb!!!!

zachmorley2 on November 30, 2020

Why is C wrong? Seems like B and C are nearly saying the same thing. Is it because C is concerned with "standards" and not the "praxis" or administration of standards, which the passage doesn't really address?

farnoushsalimian on August 2, 2022

C actually makes a comparison between medieval guilds and associations of canon lawyers, but associations of canon lawyers are medieval guilds. Lines 6-9 say that 'one might expect associations (of canon lawyers) to play a more prominent role in enforcing standards, as other guilds did. ' Thus, it's suggested that associations of canon lawyers are in fact medieval guilds, so a comparison between the two does not make sense