Whenever she considers voting in an election to select one candidate for a position and there is at least one issue i...

Batman on November 22, 2014

Request your explanation

Although I got the right answer for this question,I didn't get a pretty much certain logical picture about that. Could you please explain why answer goes to (D)? Many thanks,

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Naz on December 3, 2014

Alright so we know that it is acceptable for Kay to vote for a candidate whose opinions differ with her on at least one important issue when she disagrees with each of the other candidates on even more issues.

SO: if she disagrees with each of the other candidates on even more issues, then it is acceptable for Kay to vote for a candidate whose opinions differ with her on at least one important issue.

P1: DECMI ==> A
not A ==> not DECMI

We also know that if she does not disagree with each of the other candidates on even more issues, then it is unacceptable to vote for that candidate, i.e. "it is otherwise unacceptable to vote for that candidate."

P2: not DECMI ==> not A

Answer choice (D) states that she disagrees with each of the candidates on exactly three issues important to her, i.e. not DECMI--since she disagrees with each of them on the same amount of issues. So, according to P2, we can infer that it is not acceptable to vote for the candidate, which is exactly what answer choice (D) states.

Therefore, answer choice (D) must be true.

Hope that was helpful! Please let us know if you have any other questions.